Friday, February 15, 2008

Frosty Five Mile and Big Sale Saturday

Well tomorrow is the the big day. The Frosty Five Mile starts at 8 A.M.. You can still register race day. 180 Energy Drink will be flowing. Great attendance prizes including a pair of shoes will be given out. Also don't forget we will have 20% off everything in the store Saturday and Sunday.


Patricio said...

Hi, just wondering when (and where) would you post the result of the race?
Also, the race was E X C E L L E N T, you guys did an amazing job putting it together, very weel organized... the cops, the volunteers, the t-shirt, the attendance prizes, the 20% off at the store...awesome!!!
Well done guys!

Emily K said...

Hello! This was the first time doing your race and I loved it! The best part is that my last 5 mile race was a flat course and I beat that time by 2-3 minutes on this awesome hilly course! Thanks for putting on a very well organized race! Btw, your staff was great and your store is wonderful!